An Ounce of Prevention

Our goal is to reduce risks related to substance use.

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” – Benjamin Franklin

Self-Led and Group/Corporate Programs

Prevention Programming and Risk Reduction

Substance use and mental health are not terms that are unfamiliar, but they are NOT commonly referred to in the world of Prevention. We are proud to bring Prime for Life Programs to Canada, offering individual and group services to break down barriers, reduce stigma, normalize conversations, and help people understand the mental and physical risks associated with substance use. Education empowers people to make informed decisions. These interactive learning programs will have a lasting impact on those who are curious to learn more. The best part about participating in such a program is that you cannot unlearn the information, it will sit with you and influence you personally, as well as, in your roles as a spouse, parent, friend, family member, colleague, coach, community member, etc…! Mental health and addictions affects each and everyone of us in some capacity, either directly or indirectly.   Creating a community of acceptance and change for the better!

Experience and Best Practices

The Prevention Research Institute has been preventing substance use harm and impairment problems for over 40 years. Prime for Life® is the culmination of evolving research and practice to reduce risk related to using substances. It is used in the United States and worldwide by the US Army, US Navy, Coast Guard, Schools, DUI programs, and many other organizations.

Clinicians Who Care

Chelsea and Barb have over 50 years of experience helping individuals and groups with mental health and substance use/misuse counseling. Their education/training and life experience have prepared them to launch Prime for Life®. Chelsea and Barb consider themselves learners first. They are specialists who have a passion for working in the areas of substance use and mental health.

Take a Step Towards Learning about Substance Use and Reducing Risk


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